EQUIPAMIENTOS CARNICOS S.L (MAINCA) - is a well-known European manufacturer of meat processing equipment. It specializes in equipment for processing ground meat and fresh or dry sausages for small and medium producers.
Founded in 1971 by Juan Villa and Jaime Ramón in the city of Santa Perpetua de la Moguda (Barcelona), today MAINCA is a company with a large international projection. It exports about 70% of its products to more than 80 countries.
Despite this significant growth, MAINCA is a family company led by the second generation and committed to the principles and values of its founders: vocation, hard work and honesty. Its goal is to produce excellent quality and innovative products adapted to market needs.
MAINCA is a company with a significant international projection in the meat machinery industry.
Buying MAINCA is the security of buying equipment that is tried and tested all over the world. Continuous improvement is MAINCA's motto.